13th Congress of Tunisian Society of Nuclear Medicine opens

The 13th Congress of the Tunisian Society of Nuclear Medicine (STMN) is held on February 10 and 11 in Monastir, in partnership with the Faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy of Monastir and the Sahloul Hospital in Sousse. The conference, entitled "Nuclear endocrinology and artificial intelligence", will be attended by specialists from Tunisia, France and Switzerland. Kawthar Chatti, head of the nuclear medicine department at Sahloul University Hospital in Sousse and chairman of the conference, told TAP that the congress work will focus on innovations in nuclear medicine, such as Gallium-68, which doctors in Tunisia want to use. This is a breakthrough in the treatment of patients, making it possible to locate tumours and remove only the affected tissue. A round table discussion on the International Atomic Energy Agency's mega-project "Rays of Hope" will be held on Sunday. The programme also includes a practical workshop on the organisation and optimisation of radiotracer technology. Source: Agence Tunis A frique Presse

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