Lab’ess Launches 11th cohort of incubation programme [Upd 1]

Social innovation accelerator Lab'ess Thursday announced the launch of the 11th cohort of its incubation programme geared towards nine holders of innovative projects.

The programme, which runs over four months, provides for supporting, training and financing holders of innovative projects that provide viable solutions to urban environmental and social challenges, Lab'ess said.

Another key objective of the programme is to foster the creation of innovative enterprises that drive systemic changes in support of sustainable cities.

To this end, Lab'ess provides a comprehensive training worth pound 25,000 to each project holder. This is made possible through the support offered by various stakeholders committed to social impact, mainly the French Development Agency and Innov'i - EU4Innovation - the EU- funded project to support the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem.

The call for applications for the 11th cohort was launched on June 9; over 140 project holders submitted applications to join the incubation programme. Following individual interviews, nine projects were selected to be part of this new cohort.

Lab'ess is an organisation which seeks to promote social entrepreneurship as a catalyst for inclusive and sustainable development.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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