Tunisian Association of Young Lawyers says will boycott activities by Council of Bars and Law Societies in France

The Tunisian Association of Young Lawyers announced on Sunday that it would boycott the various scientific and cultural activities organised by the National Council of Bars and Law Societies in France.

The move comes in protest at the shameful statement on the situation in the Gaza Strip.

It is also a boycott of the various activities organised by embassies and NGOs of countries that support the Zionist crime against the Palestinian people.

In a public statement, the association also denounced the "complicity" of certain Arab leaders with the Zionist entity.

In the same vein, the association expressed its pride in the position of the Tunisian authorities and people and called on the Tunisian diplomacy to review its relations with the various countries involved in the Israeli aggression.

The association called on the Tunisian diplomacy to review its relations with the different countries involved in the Israeli aggression on Gaza, either by offering their support or by choosing silence in the face of the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation forces.

The association also called on the Tunisian people to join the campaign to boycott products from these countries.

An appeal was also made to the Assembly of People's Representatives to “pass a law criminalising any form of normalisation with the Israeli enemy.”

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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