CCITF-French Tech Tunis: partnership agreement signed to promote innovation and entrepreneurship

The Tunisian-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCITF) and French Tech Tunisia on Tuesday signed a partnership agreement aimed at strengthening cooperation between the business community and the French Tech Tunis ecosystem.

The agreement was signed by President of the CCITF, Khélil Chaïbi, and President of French Tech Tunis, Neila Ben Zina.

Under the agreement, the two partners commit to pooling their resources and actions to promote the values of innovation, entrepreneurship and collaboration between the business community and the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Tunisia, according to the CCITF.

The President of the CCITF stated that the signing of this agreement opens up new prospects for the two organisations to work together on actions and projects that could give effect to their joint commitments.

In fact, the two organisations are determined to focus their efforts and resources on bringing the digital production system and start-ups closer together, in order to create joint synergies, make the most of the opportunities that arise and translate them into projects that could help promote the Tunisian-French partnership.

For her part, Ben Zina said that this agreement was an ideal framework for promoting real synergies that would benefit businesses and support the dynamism of start-ups. To this end, she announced that the first forum on digital co-development in Tunisia would be held on November 16.

The two parties have agreed to strengthen their cooperation in order to increase their impact on the Tunisian entrepreneurial ecosystem.

This includes the organisation of networking events between the business community and the French Tech Tunis community, the promotion of female entrepreneurship through meetings and other communication campaigns (as part of the Women In Tech project), holding events with French Tech Tunis and promoting African start-ups through participation in specialised trade fairs and exhibitions.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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