Finance bill 2024 foresees two credit lines for SMEs

The draft Finance Law 2024 provides for the creation of two credit lines aimed at providing medium and long-term repayable loans to SMEs.

According to Article 23 of the finance bill 2024, the first credit line, with a budget of TND 10 million to be mobilised by the Support Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises, will be reserved for financing high value-added projects, including renewable energy and green economy projects.

The second credit line, also with a budget of TND 10 million, will be provided by the National Employment Fund and is intended to speed up the implementation of projects and thus the creation of new jobs.

These two credit lines will be managed by the SME financing bank (BFPME) within the framework of two agreements to be signed with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Employment.

It is important to note that the finance bill 2024 also foresees an increase in the capital of the BFPME (Article 25) to TND 59.1 million in order to enable it to overcome its structural financial difficulties.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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