State’s social role must be enshrined and more attention paid to disadvantaged social categories (Hachani)

Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani on Friday affirmed the government's determination to keep up the State's social role and step up protection for disadvantaged social categories. During the presentation to parliament of the government's declaration on the draft 2024 State budget and Finance Bill, he said that "the government will continue to play its social role while ensuring the supply of basic foodstuffs and services to citizens." He revealed that the government is on the point of finishing laying the foundations for financial inclusion, which consists in improving access to financial services for low-income people, including the inhabitants of inland and isolated regions, so that financial inclusion becomes a reality and an ideal means of achieving social inclusion. He underlined the government's determination to give the utmost importance to social and economic issues by taking a number of measures, including those taken to resolve the problems of stalled public projects in the health and infrastructure s ectors. The Prime Minister also stated that social and economic reforms will continue in coordination with the Presidency of the Republic in order to restore confidence in the State, boost the value of work and ensure a prosperous future for future generations, underlining that Tunisia is committed to continuing along this path by relying on a new development model based on several axes, including the enshrinement of justice and the development of social and human capital. Hachani also emphasised the importance of relations with international donors, pointing out that Tunisia is capable of identifying its needs and is resolved to implement the necessary and sustainable reforms to re-establish its financial balances without harming the middle classes and the poor, thereby preserving social peace. The 2024 Finance Bill includes measures aimed at consolidating the State's social role and ensuring the supply of basic foodstuffs to the market. These measures include the creation of a TND 20 million financing li ne for vulnerable and low-income groups, which will be used to grant interest-free loans of up to TND 10,000 to finance activities in all economic fields. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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