Family Humanitarian Experience constructs mechanised borehole for St Lucy Catholic Hospital

Family Humanitarian Experience, an NGO, has constructed and mechanised a borehole for the St Lucy Catholic Hospital, Tamale to ensure regular supply of water to support the facility's operations toward quality health care delivery. Mr Emmanuel Fiagbedzi, Country Director, Family Humanitarian Experience, speaking during the handing over and dedication of the mechanised borehole at the hospital's premises at Kpalsi, said water played critical role in the provision of quality health care, hence the gesture. Mr Fiagbedzi, who was accompanied by Michael Yemoh, and Yakubu Ibrahim, Assistant Director, and Engineer respectively at Family Humanitarian Experience, express hope that the facility would further improve the operations of the hospital and assured management of the hospital that his organisation would do more if it gets more funding. The St Lucy Catholic Hospital, Tamale, which is located at Kpalsi in the Sagnarigu Municipality of the Northern Region, serves as the major referral facility in the mu nicipality, providing health care to a population of over 190,000. The facility, which is a registered Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG), began operations in 2008 as a polyclinic and in May 2022, attained the status of a primary hospital, providing wider range of health care services. Even though the hospital is connected to the Ghana Water Company Limited, water supply to the facility is erratic, thereby, affecting its operations, hence the gesture by the NGO to address the situation. Mr Clement Tenzagh, Health Director, Catholic Health Service, Tamale, said 'without water, we cannot do much to provide quality health care' and thanked the NGO for providing the hospital with an essential commodity to continue to contribute to serve and touch humanity. Mr George Abraham, Sagnarigu Municipal Director of Health, whose speech was read on his behalf, commended Family Humanitarian Experience for the support, saying it would improve health care delivery in the municipality. He appealed to t he management of the facility to do proper and regular maintenance of the facility to serve the hospital for a long time. Very Reverend Father Hilary Pogbeyir, Vicar General, Catholic Archdiocese of Tamale, who led the event in prayers to dedicate the facility, said, 'as a Church, we serve humanity' expressing gratitude to the NGO for the support and said it was in line with the hospital's focus to continue to serve humanity. Source: Ghana News Agency

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