Late Justice Samuel Marful-Sau’s bungalow not sold – Judicial Service

The Judicial Service has denied the sale of the bungalow of late Justice Samuel Marful-Sau at Roman Ridge, Accra. A statement issued by the Service said the bungalow of Justice Marful-Sau was part of the government's redevelopment scheme within Roman Ridge. It said on December 28, 2023, the Judicial Service received a letter from the Ministry of Works and Housing, expressing the desire to implement a Government Development Scheme within Onyasia Close, Roman Ridge, Accra. The statement said 'two (2) properties that had been allocated by the Ministry of Works and Housing to the Judicial Service and which previously had been occupied by the late Justice Samuel Marful-Sau (JSC) and His Lordship Justice Victor Ofoe (JA) (Rtd) fell within the redevelopment enclave'. According to the statement, the Government's Redevelopment Scheme was to increase the housing stock in the enclave within a two-year period, from the date of handing over of the properties to the Ministry. 'Upon completion of the project, four (4) housing units were to be allocated to the Judicial Service for use by the Superior Court Judges.' It said the Judicial Service accepted the offer, recognising the serious accommodation deficit faced by the Judiciary, while taking into consideration the security and safety requirement of judges and the same would be beneficial to the Judicial Service. The statement said based on the above, the Judicial Service said after series of meetings between the Ministry and the Service, an agreement dated February 17, 2023, was entered for the project to proceed. The statement said development on the said land was, therefore, covered by 'an agreement concluded between the Judicial Service and the Ministry of Works and Housing'. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Works and Housing has assured the public that the official residence of the late Justice Marful-Sau had not been sold and that it remained the property of the State. The Ministry of Works and Housing has also described as false suggestions that Mr Francis Asensi Bo akye, the sector Minister, had conspired with former Chief Justice Kwasi Anin Yeboah to sell the official residence of the late Justice Samuel Marful-Sau. Source: Ghana News Agency

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