Total electricity production down 1% in 2023

Total electricity production in 2023 dropped by 1% to 19,293 GWh (excluding captive consumption), compared with 19,520 GWh in 2022. Production for the local market also decreased by 1%, according to the monthly report on the energy situation for December 2023 published by the National Observatory of Energy and Mines. Electricity purchases from Algeria and Libya covered 11% of the local market's needs in 2023. STEG still has the lion's share of electricity production, accounting for 99% of domestic production in 2023. It should be noted that electricity generation from renewable sources accounts for 2.2%. Industry remains the largest consumer of electricity, accounting for 58% of total HV and MV customer demand in 2023. The majority of sectors saw a decrease in sales, in particular paper and publishing (-13%), extractive industries (-11%) and IMCCV (-11%), while sales went up in pumping (water and sanitation) (+7%) and tourism (+6%). Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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