Quality Support Project in higher education sector in Tunisia helped improve Tunisian universities international ranking (minister)

Tunis: Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Moncef Boukthir, welcomed the positive outcomes following the partnership established between the ministry and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). This included, in particular, the launch of the PROMESSE higher education modernization project for better employability which started with the PAQ quality support programme and represents one of the most important funding mechanisms of investments in universities. During a national conference held, in Tunis, on ways to consolidate the higher education sector in Tunisia in collaboration with the IBRD, the minister pointed out that the PAQ programme made it possible to achieve positive results by improving the world ranking of universities in terms of academic training and granting international academic accreditation as well as providing jobs to college graduates nationally and internationally. The minister underlined that this project helped create the Tunisian Agency of E valuation and Accreditation in Higher Education and Scientific Research (ATEA) in 2022 as well as transform 6 universities and 9 higher education and scientific research establishments into scientific and technological establishments. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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