BCT has no objection to creation of postal bank, representative tells parliament

Tunis: The position of the Central Bank of Tunisia (BCT) is not intrinsically opposed to the creation of a postal bank, but such an undertaking requires careful prior study to ensure that the conditions for its success are met and to address any potential problems in advance," a representative of the BCT reiterated during a hearing of the parliamentary finance and budget committee. The BCT representative argued for the inclusion of the Financial Inclusion Law in a comprehensive framework and integrated strategic vision, stressing that the main purpose of the law is to establish a new governance structure for financial access. For her part, the representative of the Ministry of Finance reiterated that the aforementioned law is in line with the reform programme aimed at revitalising the national economy and improving the business climate. According to the official, this programme refers to the results of a study conducted by the ministry in 2018, which revealed that the rate of financial inclusion in Tunisia remains low due to the mismatch between supply and demand, the high cost of financial services and the lack of financial literacy. She also recalled the development of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy for the period 2018 to 2022, the main objectives of which were to promote financial inclusion by increasing access to electronic payment accounts and their use. The strategy also aims to establish responsible micro-insurance, offering proximity services tailored to the needs of low-income populations and very small, small and medium-sized enterprises, and to implement a diversified refinancing system adapted to the needs of micro-financial institutions. She said the draft law under consideration embodies the main results of this strategy and aims, in particular, to combat financial exclusion by improving the legal and institutional framework in order to increase the access of vulnerable groups and small enterprises to financial services tailored to their needs, to stimulate development, to create emp loyment opportunities and to combat various forms of marginalisation and exclusion. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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