Bizerte mobile bridge reopens to port traffic

BIZERTE: Bizerte mobile bridge was reopened to port traffic on Tuesday night, maintenance manager Badie Boujemaa told TAP. Five vessels were permitted to leave Bizerte-Menzel Bourguiba port, in addition to one vessel which docked, Boujemaa further said. A second bridge raising operation took place at dawn on Wednesday. Director of Public Works in Bizerte Om Ezzine Tamni told TAP on Tuesday the decision to reopen the mobile bridge was made following the examination of the preliminary report on the evaluation of the consequences of the Italian cargo ship Ekmen Sky's March 4 collision with the mobile bridge. The vessel Ekmen Sky is currently the subject of conservatory arrest pending payment of a preliminary amount of TND 3 million, awaiting an exact evaluation of the material damages incurred by the bridge. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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