Creation of a national committee to review subsidies for investment projects

Tunis: The Ministry of the Economy and Planning has scheduled the creation of a national committee under the Tunisian Investment Authority (TIA) to examine subsidies granted to projects whose investment costs exceed TND 15 million.

The aforementioned committee will also be responsible for the extension and renovation of projects whose investment costs exceed the ceiling mentioned in the investment law.

The missions of this committee were established under Decree No. 182 of the year 2024 relating to the amendment and completion of Government Decree No. 389 of the year 2017, dated March 9, 2017 on financial incentives for investments made under the investment law.

The decree stipulates the creation of a national committee with the structures concerned with investment in their respective areas of competence responsible for examining projects whose investment cost is greater than or equal to TND 1 million, or less than or equal to TND 15 million, for the use of agricultural mortgages, other than extension or renovation projects whose investment cost exceeds TND 15 million, during the creation phase.

The decree refers to the creation of regional committees within the regional investment structures as part of their respective responsibilities, for projects whose investment costs less than one million dinars, other than extension or renovation projects whose investment costs exceed 15MD, under the investment law.

The National Committee set up by the Tunisian National Tourist Office is responsible for examining tourism projects costing less than one million dinars and for regulating their composition and operation by a joint decision of the ministers responsible for investment, finance and the sector.

The investment structures are responsible for small projects with an investment cost not exceeding 200,000 dinars, as well as category "A" investments in the agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture sector, with the exception of projects carried out by agricultural services cooperatives and development groups, in accordance with a simplified process to be adapted within the framework of a procedures manual.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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