Kebili: Intensified measures to ensure safety of residents and tourists after recent rains

Kebili: As a result of the bad weather over the past 48 hours in the Kebili governorate, civil protection units have taken a number of measures to deal with the situation, in line with the measures taken by the Regional Committee for Prevention, Disaster Prevention and Emergency Relief. Civil protection units drained rainwater from a number of houses and streets in the El Faouar and Souk Lahad delegations to ensure the safety of the local inhabitants and the resumption of road traffic, Colonel Saifeddine Dakhlaoui, regional director of civil protection, told TAP on Saturday. According to the same source, 13 tourists were evacuated on Friday after their bus got stuck between Oued Boulekhcheb and Oued Laarej, near Ksar Ghilane, following a rise in water levels in the two wadis and torrential rain. The measures taken by the Regional Committee for Prevention, Disaster Control and Emergency Relief also include the suspension of classes in all public and private schools on Friday and Saturday, as well as a ban o n all travel and tourism to Ksar Ghilane, the regional official said, adding that the committee is in permanent session and is closely monitoring the situation in the region. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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