National Council of Regions and Districts to hold inaugural plenary session April 19 (Official Gazette)

Tunis: Presidential decree No. 196 of 16 April was published on Tuesday in issue 49 of the Official Journal of the Republic of Tunisia, inviting the members of the National Council of Regions and Districts to attend the inaugural plenary session of the Council next Friday (19 April) at 10 am at its headquarters in the Bardo district of the capital. The decree contains ten articles, mainly relating to the organisation of the inaugural session, the collective swearing in of the members of the Council, the election of the Speaker and the two two deputy speakers of the new Council by secret ballot and absolute majority, and the formation of a committee to prepare the rules of procedure of the new parliament. On April 3, the Board of the Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE) approved the final results of the election of the members of the National Council of Regions and Districts and its composition. The National Council of Regions and Districts is made up of 77 members, divided into three regional co uncillors for each of the 24 governorates of the Republic of Tunisia and one member for each of the country's regions (5 regions). According to Article 85 of the Constitution, the National Council of Regions and Districts exercises powers of control and accountability in various matters relating to the implementation of the budget and development plans. Under Article 84, this second legislative chamber is required to submit drafts of the State budget and of regional and national development plans in order to ensure a balance between the regions and territories. Together with the Assembly of People's Representatives, it also approves the Finance Law and the Development Plans by a majority of the members present, but not less than one third. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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