25 femicide cases recorded in 2023 (Report)

Tunis: The associations "Aswat Nissa" and "Women and Citizenship in Kef" underlined in a seminar held, Thursday, in Tunis, (dedicated to the presentation of the annual report on femicide,) that 25 cases of feminicide were reported in 2023. According to the report, the phenomenon of femicide is complex and is characterized by the killing of a woman because of her gender and for reasons linked to her identity. Sociologist Fethia Saidi pointed out that femicide is becoming a social phenomenon as it is spreading in several governorates nationwide. She warned against the increasing number of crimes committed against women. For her part, Manager in charge of Fighting Violence against Women and Femicide at the Aswat association Nissa Haifa Zaghouani highlighted that this report, which is part of an event recently launched by this association, includes statistics on cases of femicide recorded in 2023. According to the report, the age group (25-36) represents 27% of cases of femicide followed by the 36-45 year ol d category (26%), specifying that most victims are not financially independent and do not have a regular income. The participants in this report were unanimous in warning against the laxity of the state and the absence of a clear strategy for the implementation of the protection mechanisms provided for by law number 58 relating to the fight against all forms of violence against women. The report recommends the need to update the statistics concerning the phenomenon of femicide by official authorities represented by the Ministry of Family, Women, Children and the Elderly and the National Observatory of fighting violence against women. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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