Financing agreement for Oued Chaabouni industrial zone rehabilitation project

Sfax: A financing agreement for the Oued Chaabouni industrial zone rehabilitation project in Sfax was signed on July 11 in Tunis with the German Development Bank (KFW) as part of the Investment for Employment (IFE) initiative launched by the German government. The project consists in particular in upgrading the infrastructure of the Oued Chaabouni industrial zone, first delegate in charge of managing the affairs of the governorate of Sfax Mohamed Nefti Gadouda said. Works include notably the renovation of roads, electricity and sanitation networks, as well as car parks at a cost of TND 11 million, he added. The project is expected to create 397 jobs and improve working conditions for 3,325 employees. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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