Glorious Women Linkage mentors, donates to pupils at Saviefe Agorkpo

Glorious Women Linkage (GLOWLINK) a non-profit organization, has held a mentorship programme for pupils from three communities in Saviefe in the Ho West District of the Volta region. The programme, accompanied with a hygiene talk and donation of exercise books and menstrual pads, was aimed at empowering the pupils on the importance of education and to help them climb the academic ladder. Miss Edem Gloria, Head of Department, GLOWHAGTOR (GLOWLINK Help a Girl-child To Read), said GLOWLINK was established to help empower girls, young ladies and the aged, who had diverse needs. She said the programme would empower the young ones as well as their parents to appreciate the need for education. Miss Edem said it was the expectation that the programme would enlighten and impact positively on the pupils in their academic and hygienic lifestyles. She said GLOWLINK also had the GLOWLEAD and GLOWAID Departments that empowered the young ones to become confident and emboldened professionals in the future and provided h elp to the aged and less privileged, respectively. Madam Bribi Joice-Makeba, Ho West District School Improvement Support Officer, urged the students to do live chaste and moral lives since it was the hallmark for future leaders. She said it was important to also engage parents while modelling the future of their wards adding that future programmes should involve speakers from diverse professional backgrounds. Madam Joice-Makeba commended GLOWLINK and urged them to extend such programmes to other parts of the district. She noted that girl-child education in the district remained at a higher rank due to interventions such formation of Girls Club. Madam Cynthia Datsa, Tutor, E.P College of Education, Amedzofe, urged the students to take their studies seriously since it was their surest way of attaining a bright future. She said it was important to engage the children on the educational paths from their level to the tertiary levels to enable them to aim higher. Madam Datsa urged the pupils to always rememb er that it was possible for them to be any professional they desired and aspired to be. Mr Edward Lewis Ntumi, Ho West Civic Education Officer, National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), said the promulgation of the Children's Act was to protect the Ghanaian child from vulnerabilities. He urged the students to be responsible in all they did to becoming great future leaders. The students were taking through hygiene talk and proper care during menstrual periods, among others. The programme in partnership with Ghana Education Service, NCCE and SHE LEADS is sponsored by Cowbell, Imprexions Eye Care, Spout ice and Plan International Ghana. Source: Ghana News Agency

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