ARP: Parliamentary blocs decide to take part in State budget consideration sessions

Parliamentary blocs and non-group MPs have decided to take part in the sessions devoted to debates on the State budget, undertaking not to disrupt their smooth running out of respect for the national interest, said President of the Sovereign National Line bloc Abderrazek Aouidet. At a press conference on Thursday, attended by representatives of the Sovereign National Line bloc, the Liberal bloc, the National Independent bloc, the Victory for the People bloc and non-group MPs, Aouidet voiced these blocs' protest against the decision by the Speaker of the Assembly of People's Representatives to hold a plenary session on Friday, despite the fact that the session dedicated to considering the proposed law criminalising normalisation with the Zionist entity is still open. He considered that it would have been wiser to hold a plenary session this Thursday to close the previous one, and then to begin the plenary sessions devoted to examining the State budget, describing the initiative of the Speaker of Parliament as an "oversight" "which, in addition, will hinder the work of the Assembly." "The November 2 plenary session was adjourned by the ARP Speaker with the prospect that it would continue the following day. The plenary has remained suspended to this day," pointed out Aouidet, deeming this to be a violation of the rules of procedure. Taking the floor, non-group MP Bilel Mechri said that the plenary session is the highest authority in parliament and is therefore not subject to any decision by the parliamentary bureau or any other authority. "The Speaker of Parliament bears full responsibility for interfering with the smooth running of the parliament's work," he emphasised. The Parliament on November 2 suspended consideration of the bill criminalising normalisation with the Zionist entity because of a difference of opinion. Source: EN - Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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