Arrest warrant for Sonia Dahmani executed and Bssais and Zeghidi investigated (court spox)

Tunis: The arrest warrant issued by the first investigating judge of the Tunis Court of First Instance against Sonia Dahmani was executed on Saturday evening, said spokesperson for the Tunis Court of First Instance, Mohamed Zitouna. In a statement to TAP, Zitouna added that "the public prosecutor's office wishes to clarify that the (law enforcement) officers in charge of the execution of the warrant executed it on the grounds of the good application of the law and the efficiency of the ongoing investigations," he said, stressing that "all legal procedures were respected. Zitouna pointed out that the case against Dahmani, who he said was "on the run", had nothing to do with her work as a lawyer. On the other hand, Zitouna explained that Borhen Bssais and Mourad Zeghidi are currently being investigated by a national brigade under the supervision of the public prosecutor at the Court of First Instance in Tunis. The results of the investigations and developments will be communicated later. Lawyer Sonia Dahman i was taken away from a sit-in at the lawyer's house, in execution of the arrest warrant. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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