Banknotes and coins in circulation up 9.24% end of 2022 (BCT)

Banknotes and coins in circulation posted a 9.24% rise between the end of 2021 and end of 2022, to TND18.8 billion with a 97.5% share for banknotes, according to the Central Bank of Tunisia (BCT)'s Financial Statements report for 2022. "The increase rate in banknote circulation stood at 9.24% between the end of 2021 and end of 2022, compared to 9.4% between the end of 2020 and end of 2021," the report added. The 20-dinar banknote is the most widely used at the national level, accounting for over 61% of all banknotes and coins in circulation, or TND 11.6 billion, followed by the 10-dinar banknote (22% worth TND 4.1 billion) and the TND 50 banknotes (13.2% worth TND 2.4 billion). As for coins, the 1-dinar coin is the most widely used by Tunisians with over 158 million coins used in 2022, followed by the 500-millime coin (117 million coins worth TND 58.8 million) and the 2-dinar coin (29.5 million coins in 2022 worth TND 59 million). Other coins are also widely used in Tunisia. More than 320 million 100-millime coins, more than 200 million 50-millime coins and more than 415 million 20-millime coins were in circulation at the end of December 2022. As far as the small 1 and 2 millime coins are concerned, the BCT states that they are still in circulation, but in very small numbers, not exceeding 60,000 for 1 millime coins and 37,000 for 2 millime coins.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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