Cabinet approves economic laws and decrees

Tunis: Economic laws and decrees were approved on Monday during a cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani at the Government Palace in Kasbah. According to a statement issued by the Prime Ministry, the list of approved laws and decrees is as follows: Laws: Organic law approving the statute of Africa50 Fund - "Project Development". Organic law approving the statute of Africa50 Fund - "Project Investment". Article 75 of the Tunisian Republic Constitution stipulates that treaty approval is carried out in the form of an organic law. On April 13, 2014, the Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) approved the establishment of a new investment fund "Africa 50" to identify solutions for public financing, particularly for megaprojects. Law approving a loan agreement concluded on March 26, 2024, between the Tunisian Republic and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) for financing the Emergency Response to Food Security Project in Tunisia (PRUSA) i n Tunis. Law approving a financing contract concluded on March 18, 2024, between the Tunisian Republic and the European Investment Bank (EIB) regarding the loan granted to Tunisia to contribute to the establishment of a financing line for small and medium-sized enterprises aimed at economic recovery. Decrees: A decree amending Decree No. 1845 of September 6, 1994, concerning the organisation of the General Directorate of Customs. A decree concerning the determination of criteria for appointment and revocation in regional land transport companies. A decree regarding the amendment of Decree No. 834 of April 20, 2010, concerning the determination of criteria for appointment and revocation within the Société Nationale Immobilière de Tunisie (SNIT) Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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