Cabinet meeting approves draft economic decrees and bill on COMESA

The Cabinet meeting held on Thursday at the Government Palace in the Kasbah, chaired by Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani, approved a draft organic law on the approval of an agreement between Tunisia and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) on hosting all COMESA meetings, workshops and activities in the country. The meeting also approved a number of draft economic decrees, including a draft decree on the cancellation of Government Decree No. 484 of 2018 on the modification of the validity of two plots of agricultural land classified as maintenance areas and other agricultural areas, and on the modification of the boundaries of maintenance areas in agricultural areas in the governorate of Nabeul. The Cabinet meeting also approved a draft decree on the creation of a management by objectives unit to carry out the integrated management project in the least developed areas and another project on the creation of a real estate savings department for the Agence Foncière de l'Habitat (AFH) in the m unicipalities of El Mourouj, Nasssane and Fouchana in the Ben Arous governorate. It also approved two draft decrees establishing the public ownership of water in the Sejoumi Sabkha in the delegations of Sejoumi and Ezzouhour, as well as a draft decree defining the organisational structure of the Technical Telecommunications Agency. The Cabinet also approved a draft decree exempting the Tozeur-Nefta, Tabarka, Ain Drahem, Gafsa-Ksar and Gabes-Matmata international airports from airports and air navigation service fees. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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