Cabinet Meeting approves economic bills and decrees

Prime Minister Najla Bouden chaired a Cabinet Meeting at the Government Palace in Kasbah on Monday, during which the Cabinet approved a series of economic bills and decrees, said a Prime Ministry statement.

The bills consist of:

- A bill approving a loan agreement signed on July 20, 2023, between the Tunisian government and the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to support the state budget.

- A bill approving a loan agreement signed on July 19, 2023, between Tunisia and the African Development Bank (AfDB) for the financing of the Inclusive and Sustainable Development Support Project for the cereal sector (PADIFIC).

- A bill approving a loan agreement signed on April 29, 2023, between Tunisia and the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development for the construction and improvement of classified roads.

- A bill approving a guarantee agreement signed on June 2, 2023, between Tunisia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the sanitation sector, aiming to enhance the capacity of the National Sanitation Office (ONAS) to effectively manage partnership contracts with the private sector and improve the quality of wastewater management services in certain regions of the country.

- A bill concerning exceptional provisions for exemption from national service obligation.

The decrees consist of:

- An amendment to Decree No. 2009-2347 of August 12, 2009, relating to the specialisation in dental medicine and the legal status of dental medicine residents.

- A decree establishing the organisational structure of CITET.

- A decree providing for temporary and exceptional extension of the duration of temporary occupation permits for the maritime public domain.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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