Call for applications for Best Female Scientific Research Award 2024

TUNIS: The Ministry of Family, Women, Children and the Elderly announces a call for applications for the Best Female Scientific Research Award 2024. The call for applications is open from March 19 until May 10, 2024, according to a department press release. Awarded annually on the occasion of the National Day of Tunisian Women, observed on August 13, this 15,000-dinar prize is awarded for the best female scientific research carried out by a female researcher of Tunisian nationality over the last three (03) years (including 2024). The theme for 2024 is the circular economy and sustainable development in the Tunisian context (waste management and recovery), according to the same source. Created by decree n°2009-2060, the Award aims to encourage Tunisian female researchers and support their scientific careers. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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