Conference of District Heads of National Guard kicked off

Tunis: Interior Minister Kamel Féki, Friday, stressed the need to consolidate the security action, particularly in combating irregular migration and fighting against speculation and rising prices. At the opening of the Conference of District Heads of the National Guard, held at the El Aouina barracks, Féki called for increasing efforts to prevent road accidents, adopt new technologies in the security action as well as ensure good management of human resources and good planning in times of crisis. The minister commended the efforts made by the units of the various districts of the National Guard who "have spared no effort to make sacrifices, serve citizens and defend the homeland," reads a statement of the Interior Ministry. The conference was attended by of the Director General, the Commander of the National Guard, and a number of directors general and directors of the National Guard. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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