Covid-19 spread is currently low in Tunisia (Riadh Daghfous)Muslims in high expectation of LGBTQI+ bill passage – COMOG

The spread of Covid-19 is currently low in Tunisia and throughout the world, despite the drop in the uptake of preventive measures by citizens," Director General of the National Pharmacovigilance Centre and member of the scientific committee to combat Coronavirus Riadh Daghfous indicated on Friday. In an interview with TAP, he said that February had seen a fall in the number of Covid-19 infections, and that on average only one case of death had been reported per week, adding that Covid-19 has not yet been classified as a seasonal disease by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Since the beginning of the spread of the coronavirus epidemic in Tunisia (March 2020), some 30,000 fatalities have been recorded, he recalled. He also called on citizens to carry on getting vaccinated against Covid-19, especially the most vulnerable categories (the elderly, pregnant women, etc...), pointing out that the administration of vaccines in previous years has helped citizens build up an immune defence against the Omicron va riant. As far as respiratory diseases are concerned, Daghfous explained that seasonal influenza is the most widespread virus in Tunisia this winter, followed by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) or bronchiolitis in second place, the Rhinovirus (third) and then Sars Cov 2 (Coronavirus 2) (fourth). Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse The Coalition of Muslims Organizations in Ghana (COMOG) says Muslims in the country are in high expectation of the passage of the Proper Human Right and Ghanaian Family Values by Parliament. The Coalition, in a statement, asked all Muslims who were desirous of following proceedings to join the executives of the COMOG at Parliament House to witness the great occasion that signified victory for the Muslim community (Ummah). The statement said the passage would be a victory for COMOG and the Muslims in Ghana. The Organisation said Muslims, under the leadership of COMOG, had already held a meeting with the Speaker of Parliament in the latter part of last year to push for the passage of the bill. 'In our expectation of an honour for the invaluable contributions of Muslims in this struggle, it is our hope that the speaker of Parliament will clad in the regalia donated to him by COMOG so as to establish the true meaning in the fight against the obnoxious practice of LGBTQI+,'' the statement said. Source: Ghan a News Agency

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