ECOWAS Court Commits to Cooperation with Swedish-Based Organisation

The Vice President of the ECOWAS Court of Justice, Hon Justice Gbéri-Bè Ouattara, has expressed the Court's commitment to continue cooperation with Raoul Wallenberg Institute, a Swedish human rights organisation which currently has a cooperative agreement with the Court. The Vice President made the pledge while receiving Mr Gilford Kimathi, Programme Officer of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI) who paid a working visit to the Seat of the Court in Abuja, Nigeria. In his welcome remarks, Justice Ouattara expressed appreciation for the visit, recalling the good working relationship developed over the years as well as the remarkable impact of the activities implemented under the Memorandum of Understanding between the two organisations. The Vice President, who represented the President of the Court, Justice Edward Amoako Asante, thanked the RWI for the mutually beneficial cooperation and reaffirmed the Court's commitment to the MoU. On his part, Mr Kimathi commended the Court for the giant strides made to achieve the objectives of the MOU and expressed the Institute's willingness to support future programmes, and initiatives of the Court. He said the visit was aimed at discussing and exchanging ideas on advancing the bilateral cooperation between the two organisations. Both parties discussed areas of strategic future cooperation particularly as it relates to exchange programmes, capacity building, legal research resources, judicial dialogues, academic networking and organisation of conferences. Discussions were also held on possible review of the existing MOU with the Court, the future of the Institute's Regional Africa Programme and an intended 2024 conference scheduled to hold in Abuja, Nigeria next year. Other participants in the meeting were Hon Justices Dupe Atoki, Sengu M. Koroma and Ricardo Claúdio Monteiro Gonçalves. Also present were Dr. Yaouza Ouro-Sama, Chief Registrar of the Court, Dr Athanase Atannon, Deputy Chief Registrar, Dr Ousmane Diallo, Director, Research and Documentation, some Registr ars of the Court, and key staff from the Protocol, Language Services, and Communication Divisions. Source: Ghana News Agency

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