Employment Ministry, six banks sign financing agreements to speed up creation of communitarian companies

Financing agreements were signed with six banks to speed up the creation of communitarian companies, the Employment and Vocational Training Ministry said on Wednesday. The agreements are also intended to help diversify financing sources and address challenges hampering the coming into operation of these businesses. The agreements were signed in coordination with the Finance Ministry, the Banking and Financial Council (CBF) and partner banks, the ministry said. Public and private sector banks are involved in the financing process. Partner banks are La Banque Tunisienne de Solidarité (BTS), La Société Tunisienne de Banque (STB), BH Banque, Aman Banque, Attijari Banque and La Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie (BIAT). The move fits within the implementation of provisions of Article 32 of the law N° 13 of December 11, 2023 (the 2024 Finance Law) on the creation of a line of funding of communitarian companies. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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