Environmental Health Officers organise clean-up exercise at Prampram landing beach

The Environmental Health and Sanitation Department (EHSD), in collaboration with the Ningo-Prampram District Assembly, Zoomlion Company Ltd, and the people of Lower Prampram have organised a clean-up exercise at landing beach to keep the sea and its environs clean. Madam Evenly Nani, Director Ningo-Prampram Environment Health Office, told the Ghana News Agency at Prampram during the exercise that it aimed to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 14, conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development. She said the beach was filthy and that open defecation took place there indiscriminately. To put strategies in place to resolve the problem, a meeting was held with the opinion leaders, who agreed to organise a clean-up with the environmental health officers. Madam Nani said some of the fisher folks had been dumping their waste at the beach, with some of the waste from the sea, which would not help them as they dried fish at the shores and were sold to the public. She said the clean-up would be held quarterly with the fisher folks and the community members, educating them about the importance of tidying up the place. A task force had been formed, which included the environmental health department, the police, and community members, for those who dump or defecate to be arrested. Madam Nani advised them to keep the place neat to attract tourists, bring economic value to them, and improve economic activity. Mr. Bernard Mats Yingura, the District Coordinating Director, said open defecation was a problem; an announcement had been made for them to put an end to it, but they continue, so the task force will arrest perpetrators. He said there were public toilets around, which must be used, but unfortunately, some of the people still defecated at the shore. Mr Ebenezer Tettehwayoe, the District Manager for the Youth Employment Agency, said the activities of the fishermen would start this month, and it was necessary to do the exercise because they do not want the shores to be as dirty as they used to be. He said they appreciate the effort of the stakeholders for the clean-up exercise and the formation of a task force to deal with open defecation and ensure that the beach was clean.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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