Eying opportunities to forge partnerships with Canadian companies

JENDOUBA: The potential and resources of the governorate of Jendouba in various fields were the subject of a presentation by Governor Samir Kouka on Wednesday as he received Canadian Ambassador to Tunisia Lorraine Diguer. The latter told TAP that her visit was part of efforts to explore investment opportunities in the Tunisian regions, notably in the north-western governorates, with a view to forging relations of cooperation, partnership and trade between Tunisian and Canadian companies. The diplomat affirmed that relations between Tunisia and Canada have developed especially in projects related to the exploitation of new technologies, as well as programmes targeting young people and women wishing to invest in their local environment. She expressed her country's willingness to support partnership relations with Tunisia and to provide further assistance to economic players and investors in various fields, notably agriculture, industry, the environment, training, services and projects likely to be affected b y climate change. During her visit, the Canadian ambassador learned more about the activities of the Al-Baraka Agricultural Development Group in Tabayniya (Ain Draham delegation), which specialises in the processing of forestry products and the distillation of vegetable oils, the Béni Mtir spa, the vocational training centre and the sugar factory in Jendouba. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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