Fasting recommended for older people with no chronic illnesses (geriatrician)

Contrary to popular belief, fasting is recommended for older people who do not suffer from chronic diseases," said geriatric specialist Afef Hammami on Wednesday. Fasting improves the health of the heart and blood vessels in older people, lowers blood sugar and fat levels and thus helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and atherosclerosis, she told TAP. Fasting helps the elderly boost their immunity by producing more antibodies that protect against infection and disease, improves digestive system function and eliminates toxins from the body, she pointed out, adding that the liver contributes to the production of sugar in the body and produces more energy. Afef Hammami underlined that fasting also helps improve memory, concentration, brain health and sleep quality. However, the specialist called on older people suffering from chronic diseases to consult their GPs, pointing out the need to adopt a diet rich in fibre, vegetables and proteins, and to drink enough water. Source: Agence Tunis Afr ique Presse

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