FILT 2024: Clik2Read” platform focuses on Tunisian digital books, with 1,600 titles

Tunis: Digital books have their fans among readers in tune with new publications around the world. In Tunisia, digital books are currently available from "Click2read", which describes itself as "the first platform dedicated to Tunisian e-books". A new partnership has been established between "Clik2Read" and the 38th edition of the Tunisian International Book Fair (French: FILT), taking place from April 19 to 28 April 2024. All the latest news about the Fair, including the cultural programme and the various events planned, can be found on the "Clik2Read" website. This new step towards digitisation means that the public can keep up to date with all the latest news from FILT via "Click2read". TAP met Sami Meksi, co-founder of MIP Livrel, owner of Clik2Read, at the platform's stand in FILT on Monday. He explained the broad outlines of the partnership and the main purpose of the platform. The partnership with FILT is the culmination of work that began a year ago with the National Tunisian Book Fair and the 2 023 and 2024 editions of the International Tunisian Book Fair. It has made it possible to put the Fair's news online, thus reducing the number of paper publications (programme and daily review). Launched in February 2023 as part of the Tunisian National Book Fair, this platform has managed to make its mark on the book chain," said Sami Meksi, recalling other unfinished experiments with platforms dedicated to digital books. The main objective of the platform is to promote Tunisian digital books and bring books closer to readers. Digital books, which are 50% cheaper than traditional books, are a great advantage for readers, with lower prices and easier access, said the platform's co-founder. Tunisian publishers are increasingly signing up to the platform, showing their support for this digital publishing medium, which he believes "offers advantages for publishers and the sale of paper books". With 40 partner publishers and 1,600 titles registered, the platform is developing and diversifying its products, of fering titles in three languages: Arabic, French and English. The platform started with just 10 publishers and 35 registered books. Commenting on the relationship between publishers and digital platforms, Sami Meksi said that "digital books are complementary to paper books, especially as statistics around the world show that almost 20% of readers are digital book readers". The platform offers a product aimed at the general public and corporate readers, with new services in the form of a university reading pack for students and another for families currently in preparation. "Clik2Read gives readers access to the first pages of books, creating a reading experience similar to that of a bookstore. The platform is seeing a growing interest in books and Tunisian writers, and aims to publish books by writers outside Tunisia through partnerships with foreign publishers. Clik2Read has developed a new concept of corporate reading, which is attracting a great deal of interest from companies involved in corporate soc ial responsibility strategies, such as Tunisie Valeurs, the Institut Français de Tunisie and soon the Confederation of Tunisian Citizen Enterprises (CONECT). With the aim of bringing the book chain together around the digital book, Click2read is organising a conference at FILT Tuesday on the theme "The digital book, what place in the book chain?" with the participation of the Tunisian Publishers' Association, the Tunisian Writers' Association, the Tunisian Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Organisation (OTDAV) and the President of CONECT as guest of honour. The event will be attended by publishers, distributors and writers, as well as a representative of the printing industry. Clik2Read will launch a national competition called "Découverte jeunes plumes Clik2Read," an initiative to encourage and raise the profile of young writers. The winning book will be published on the platform and its author will have the opportunity to sign a contract with a publisher. The terms and conditions of the competition will be announced at the conference on Tuesday. A 'Click2read' mobile application will be launched shortly. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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