FM meets Haykel Ben Mahfoudh after his election as ICC judge

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar, on Tuesday, received international law professor Haykel Ben Mahfoudh, who was recently elected as a judge at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the period 2024-2033, to once again congratulate him on his success. The meeting was an opportunity to review the main lessons learned from the electoral campaign that led to this achievement, according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Haykel Ben Mahfoudh expressed his deep gratitude to the President of the Republic for nominating him for this important international post and to the Tunisian diplomacy. For his part, Minister Nabil Ammar stressed that the choice of Judge Ben Mahfoudh for this position is proof of the confidence that Tunisia enjoys on the international scene and a new international recognition of the high level of Tunisian expertise. He also underlined our country's firm commitment to the Rome Statute and the noble objectives and values it rep resents for the implementation of international criminal justice. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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