FM Nabil Ammar meets with Tunisian inventor Jamel Hanbli

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration, and Tunisians Abroad Nabil Ammar met with Tunisian inventor residing in the United States Jamel Hanbli, who made a presentation on his key inventions. The meeting is part of involving Tunisian experts in the development process and the gradual integration of the national economy into new mechanisms of wealth creation such as the knowledge economy, AI projects and startups, said a ministry statement. Hanbli highlighted the potential that can be harnessed in the field of water resource management and recycling within innovative scientific systems, including vapour systems, "reverse osmosis," and the progress made in establishing "startups" aimed at accessing African markets. For his part, Minister Ammar explained that the vision of focusing attention on Tunisians abroad is based on bringing together the country's experts with international and regional influence within an interactive digital platform. Through this platform, everyone would be involved in their respect ive expertise, within the framework of the implemenaton of development plans. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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