Foreign Minister meets UK Minister of State for Middle East, North Africa, South Asia and UN

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar met on Thursday with Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, Minister of State for the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia and the United Nations at the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

The meeting is part the visit paid by the Foreign Minister to the United Kingdom, mandated by the President of the Republic to represent Tunisia at the coronation ceremonies of His Majesty King Charles III scheduled for May 5 and 6, said a ministry statement.

It dealt with the historical relations between the two countries and ways to strengthen the "lasting friendship, understanding and trust that characterise the Tunisia-UK partnership." The latter has seen a significant boost in recent years, especially after the signing of an association agreement between the two countries in October 2019, the first of its kind in North Africa, according to the same source.

The Foreign Minister expressed hope that the constructive and responsible dialogue between Tunisia and the United Kingdom will continue, as a sign of interest and understanding of the specificities of the stage underwent by the country. «Tunisia is irreversibly committed to preserving freedoms, upholding the rule of law and establishing a sustainable, fair and inclusive development model in line with the legitimate aspirations of the Tunisian people,» Nabil Ammar stressed.

He said the priority currently is the economic recovery and the improvement of the living conditions of Tunisians, and that «any skeptical message or negative attitude will only further complicate the socio-economic conditions in our country.»

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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