Foreign Minister meets with Kuwait Parliament Speaker

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad Nabil Ammar, Sunday, had a meeting in Kuwait with Speaker of the Kuwaiti National Assembly Ahmed Abdulaziz al-Sadoun who took this post on June 20.

In a statement issued by the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Ammar is on a tour to the Gulf region until July 20. He is expected to visit the UAE then KSA at the invitation of his counterparts in these countries.

The meeting with the Speaker of the Kuwaiti Parliament was an opportunity to highlight the solidarity of the relations between the two countries and their concern to develop and further strengthen them.

The Foreign Minister and the Parliament's Speaker stressed the need to boost bilateral cooperation, activate the parliamentary action, speed up the formation of the parliamentary fraternity and friendship committee and increase visits between Tunisian and Kuwaiti MPs.

They also discussed ways to consolidate coordination and consultation between the two countries about several issues including the Palestinian cause during regional and international parliamentary events.

Ammar reviewed the various stages of the ongoing political process in Tunisia, particularly the election of a new parliament in 2023.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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