Head of State discusses general security situation with Interior Minister and Secretary of State for National Security

President of the Republic, Kais Saied, had a meeting, Thursday afternoon, at Carthage Palace, with Interior Minister, Khaled Nouri, and Secretary of State to the Interior Minister in charge of National Security, Sofiane Bessadok. The meeting focused on the general security situation in Tunisia, more particularly the need to prosecute all those who are behind the electricity and water cuts in several regions in an attempt to increase tension, reads a statement of the Presidency of the Republic. The Head of State pointed out that «those who are behind the electricity and water cuts in Tunisia are the ones who are preventing a number of people from traveling abroad and falsely attributing it to the President of the Republic.» «Freedom of movement whether inside Tunisia or abroad is guaranteed by the Tunisian Constitution, except in cases of border restriction measures or travel bans issued by the prosecutor's office, which could be quickly verified,» the same source said. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Press e

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