“Hybrid work, once regulated, could play key role in consolidating Tunisian economy” (IACE)

Tunis: Tunisia could benefit from innovative work methods mainly hybrid work as it contributes to the development of the national economy, particularly by providing the opportunity for Tunisian employees to earn salaries in foreign currency, reads a note from the Arab Institute of Business Leaders (IACE) published recently. «The absence of defined legal frameworks to manage remote work and hybrid work represents a major challenge for both employers and employees in Tunisia,» reads this note entitled «Hybrid Work Methods Between the Well-being of Employees and Business Challenges». «The absence of regulations could lead to uncertainty about the duties and responsibilities in these work methods which have evolved since the COVID-19 pandemic,» IACE underlined. «The current scenario reiterates the need for well-defined guidelines and policies to address the complexities and potential risks associated with working remotely. Establishing clear frameworks has become increasingly crucial as these flexible work met hods could reduce the emigration of the qualified national workforce as well as the brain drain," the IACE adds. «Developing clear regulations and strategies governing these modern work methods will not only ensure clarity and security among employers and employees, but will also foster a more robust and sustainable workforce in Tunisia,» the same source said. «By prioritizing the establishment of robust cybersecurity measures and network infrastructure as well as developing clear regulations, Tunisia could offer a safe and consistent hybrid work environment for all employees,» the same source adds. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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