IMA President congratulates Tunisia on inscription of Djerba Island on UNESCO World Heritage List

Following the inscription of the island of Djerba on the UNESCO World Heritage List, President of the Institut du Monde Arabe (IMA-Paris) Jack Lang congratulated Tunisia and its people on the IMA's behalf, expressing wish that "this recognition of Djerba's uniqueness will help preserve its richness and further foster the tolerance that characterises it."

The island of Djerba, he said in a post, "is a unique place, steeped in history and a very special way of life... An island that symbolises so many aspects of the Man's relationship with his environment and his heritage," calling on people to visit and re-discover Djerba, its historical heritage and the wonderful open-air museum called Djerbahood.

Jack Lang recalled that the Institute had paid tribute to Djerba, its history and its inhabitants in the exhibition "Juifs d'Orient, une histoire plurimillénaire" (November 24- March 13, 2022).

This exhibition was the third part of a trilogy dedicated by the IMA to the monotheistic religions, after "Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca" in 2014 and "Chrétiens d'Orient, 2000 ans d'histoire" in 2017.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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