Inauguration of research laboratory at IPSI on “Media, Communication and Transition”

Tunis: The Institute of Press and Information Sciences (IPSI) inaugurated on Thursday a research laboratory on "Media, Communication and Transition", which will give impetus to scientific research in this sector in Tunisia and promote its influence nationally and internationally," President of the University of Manouba, Jouhaina Gherib said in a statement to TAP. Gherib added that this research laboratory, which specialises in media, communication and transition, is of great importance in the era of the development of information technologies and artificial intelligence, which require in-depth analysis and a critical approach to phenomena through human sciences and communication. She pointed out that the University of Manouba currently has 15 academic units and 34 research laboratories that have proven their effectiveness in scientific research and innovation in a number of fields, including languages, history, geography, economics and management, information technology and biotechnology. For her part, IPS I Director Hamida El Bour said that the new laboratory is an asset for researchers at the institute, which is the only higher education institution that offers research opportunities in information and communication sciences and welcomes researchers from several Arab countries. El Bour pointed out that the laboratory covers four themes: "organisational communication", "political communication", "media and society", including women and information literacy, and "digital information and media". Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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