ISIE: 104 vacancies in local and district councils filled

Tunis: 104 vacancies in local and district councils were filled, the Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE) said on Friday, Speaking to TAP on Saturday, member of the ISIE Council Najla Abrougui pointed out that 99 vacancies in local councils had been filled. About 99 candidates who ranked second in the local elections replaced the members involved in the vacancies, she explained. She added that the same procedures were adopted to fill five 05 vacancies in the district councils. She also stressed that the ISIE will organize, early next week, partial elections to complete the composition of the councils of the first district and the fourth district which are missing, namely the representatives of the governorates of Jendouba and Tozeur. The local elections process led to the establishment of the National Council of Regions and Districts, which is the second parliamentary chamber. It consists of 77 members. 72 members represent local councils while 5 other members represent district councils. S ource: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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