Kasserine: Grain production estimated at 231,000 quintals (CRDA)

KASSERINE: Grain production in the governorate of Kasserine for the current agricultural season was estimated at 231,000 quintals, the Regional Agricultural Development Commission (CRDA) in Kasserine said. Estimates are based on 167,000 quintals of irrigated grains and 64,000 quintals of rain-fed grains, the same source said. The low yield of rainfed grain areas 2024 is explained by the drop in precipitation recorded in the region throughout the agricultural season, Head the Production Directorate told Omar SaSdaoui told TAP. This situation resulted in the shrinkage of the areas sown during season, i.e. approximately 36,800 hectares out of a total of 85,000 ha of scheduled areas, he pointed out. The region recorded an increase in irrigated grain production, a clear increase compared to the average of recent years, i.e. 45 quintals/ha of wheat and 33 quintals/ha of barley, compared to only 6 quintals/ha for rainfed grains, according to the same source. The Foussana delegation ranks first in terms of grain areas sown under irrigation. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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