Kebili: Traffic reopens between North-Douz and Ksar Ghilane

Kebili: Road traffic in the direction of Ksar Ghilane (Kebili governorate) has resumed after teams from the Regional Public Works Directorate in Douz intervened on Saturday morning at the Om Chieh track , in accordance with the measures adopted by the Regional Commission for Prevention, Civil Protection and Emergency Relief. These operations included the cleaning and clearing of roads near the Msinin, Boulekhchab, Laarej and Oued Halouf wadis, after the water level in these wadis, which had overflowed on Friday, had fallen, disrupting traffic to Ksar Ghilane, Nabil Louhichi, regional director of public works in Kebili, told TAP. In the same context, an operation was carried out on national road 20, which links Douz to Matmata (Gabes governorate), to remove the sand that had accumulated on the shoulders of the road near the Oued Errmal locality. This was caused by the strong winds and heavy rain recorded in the region on Friday, according to the same source, who added that all the equipment and heavy machin ery were available to intervene on the affected roads if necessary. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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