Lawyer Mehdi Zagrouba arrested (Lawyer)

Tunis: Police officers arrested lawyer Mehdi Zagrouba on Monday evening while he was at the Lawyers' House in Tunis, according to lawyer Samir Dilou. In the same context, lawyer Amine Bouker told TAP that an investigation had been ordered against lawyers Mehdi Zagrouba and Nidhal Salhi, without giving reasons. Bouker said that a number of security forces surrounded the lawyers' house on Monday evening, indicating that they intend to enter it again, similar to what happened when lawyer and media commentator Sonia Dahmani was arrested on Saturday evening. Lawyers staged a nationwide strike on Monday in response to a decision taken by the board of the National Bar Association on Sunday to protest the raid by security forces on the lawyers' house in the capital on Saturday night to execute an arrest warrant for Sonia Dahmani. The lawyers also held a sit-in in front of the Court of First Instance in Tunis, where journalists were prevented from entering to film and photograph the sit-in from inside the court. S ource: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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