Liquidity injections by BCT in money market rise by 44.7% in 2022

The liquidity injections by the Central Bank of Tunisia's (BCT) on the money market recorded a significant increase of 44.7%, to 9.4 billion dinars at the end of the 2022 financial year, compared to 6.5 billion dinars a year earlier. According to the report recently published by the BCT on its annual accounts for the year 2022, "these injections mainly took the form of 7-day tenders, which represented 75.1% of the total outstanding amount of those interventions and whose amount increased by 36.5% to 7.1 billion dinars at the end of 2022". This trend was also supported by the increasing recourse of banks to the 24-hour credit facilities, the outstanding amount of which increased from 0.3 billion dinars to 1.4 billion dinars from one year-end to the next. As for the outstanding amount of the longer-term refinancing operation of one month, it decreased slightly from 0.939 billion dinars at the end of 2021 to 0.930 billion dinars at the end of 2022. The refinancing of banks is carried out against the presentation of collateral in the form of Treasury bills or short-term claims amounting to 4.3 billion dinars and 7.7 billion dinars respectively at the end of December 2022.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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