Local elections: ISIE adopts two implementing decrees

The Council of the Independent High Electoral Authority (ISIE) on Wednesday adopted two implementing decrees on the "withdrawal of delegation" and the methods of electing members of the National Council of Regions and Districts. Speaking to reporters, ISIE spokesperson Tlili Mnasri said that the two decrees adopted are the last texts related to the second chamber of parliament, adding that these decrees will soon be published in the Official Journal of the Republic of Tunisia (JORT). Regarding the "withdrawal of delegations", Mnasri said that this concerns all deputies elected to parliament, local and regional councils, district councils and the national council of regions and districts. He added that Decree-Law No. 2022-55, which amends and supplements Organic Law No. 2014-16 on Elections and Referendums, allows the ISIE to determine the methods of withdrawal of delegation and the presentation of the petition. The petition must be signed by 10 MPs from the constituency concerned. According to Mnasri, the ISIE can accept or reject the petition, stating that if it is accepted and the deadlines for appealing to the Administrative Court have expired, elections will be held in the constituency concerned to vote yes or no to the withdrawal of the delegation. Regarding the second executive decree on the methods of electing members of the National Council of Regions and Districts, Mnasri pointed out that after the establishment of the regional councils, one member will be elected for each governorate (regional council) to sit on the district council and 3 members for the regional and district councils. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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