Manouba: German KFW delegation checks on progress of partnership projects

MANOUBA: A delegation from the German Development Bank (KfW) recently visited the governorate of Manouba to inspect the progress of the project to modernise irrigated areas and implement the master plan for the Laaroussia canal in El Battan. The development of the Laaroussia canal has been completed over a length of 14 km, at a cost of around TND 21 million. Modernisation work in the Laaroussia and Chouigui irrigation areas has reached an 80% progress rate. Some 360 farmers in the region will benefit from this project, which will cover a total of 1,700 hectares of public irrigated land at a cost of TND 70 million. The visit, which was attended by the Commissioner for Local Agricultural Development and Commission officials, also focused on the projects outlined in the Tunisian-German cooperation programme, Samir Ayadi, manager of the Laaroussia canal plan, told TAP. The German side was briefed on several projects still under study, notably the project to modernise the irrigated areas in Borj El Amri, cove ring an area of 2,700 hectares (costing TND 60 million), and the project to modernise 440 hectares of irrigated perimeters in Tebourba, Tebourba Errimel, Hammed, Guechba and Ben Nfissa in Jedaida (costing TND 120 million). The project to develop the northern section of the Laaroussia canal (5 km from the Laaroussia dam to Goumeryane) and the southern section (35 km from the Laaroussia dam to Sidi Thabet, in the Ariana governorate) were also discussed. The cost of this project, which includes the construction of 40 km of pipelines through the urban area of Tebourba, is estimated at TND 100 million. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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