Miss Tourism Ghana 2023 launched

The 2023 edition of Miss Tourism Ghana, a pageant to promote the rich cultural heritage and tourist destinations in the country, has been launched in Accra.

The pageant is solely dedicated to project Ghana's tourism sector. And the winner of the competition would become a tourism ambassador for a period.

This year's pageant, on the theme 'Tourism, the heart of Ghana, keep Ghana clean,' is being organized with support from the Ghana Tourism Federation, the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA), and stakeholders in the tourism industry.

Mrs Delphine Brew-Hammond, Director of Events and Operations, Miss Tourism Ghana said the 2023 edition is billed to highlight tourism as the 'Heart of Ghana' to inculcate in people the need to love and promote tourism in the country.

'Tourism is multi-sectorial, goes beyond travelling, and has a chain of activities which contributes to economic development,' she said

Mrs Brew-Hammond said the vision was to show off Ghana as a premiere travel destination by training young ladies to act as Ambassadors representing Ghana's rich and varied regional cultures, attending festivals and celebrations, as well as touring many historic landmarks.

'This is why at Miss Tourism Ghana the contestants don't represent the regions they hail from because we want them to learn about other regions and be tolerant of each other as Ghanaians,' she said.

She said contestants had over the years participated in other international pageants and made Ghana proud.

Mrs. Brew-Hammond the selection processes leading to the main event would begin with auditions in May and June.

'The whole month of May is auditioning in Accra, then we show what the heart of Ghana is, the people, politics, entertainment, religion, culture and heritage among others,' she said.

Mr Jones Aruna Nelson, Director, Corporate Affairs of GTA said apart from the pageant unearthing the talents and skills of young ladies in the country, it also projected the image of Ghana internationally.

He urged Ghanaians to continue to 'experience Ghana and share Ghana.'

Source: Ghana News Agency

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