MPs unhappy that their work is limited to approving loan agreements

Tunis: Members of the Assembly of People's Representatives (ARP) on Wednesday expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that the Assembly's work is limited to the adoption of laws related to loans, with more than 90% of the laws adopted so far. This was during the examination of the law approving the credit agreement for the renovation and reinforcement of part of the railway network for the transport of phosphate. The credit agreement was signed on February 22, 2024 between Tunisia and the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) on the co-financing of a project for the renovation of the railway network for the transport of phosphate. During the meeting, they stressed the need to put an end to the promotion of the idea of diversifying sources of financing and not to opt for the easy solution by favouring recourse to internal and external borrowing. They expressed concern about the responsibility of taking on all these loans, pointing out that this option would encourage the country to accept the dictates of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Some MPs noted that, in the absence of other alternatives, it was necessary to integrate these loans into the framework of a clear vision and an effective national strategy in order to make good use of them. They pointed out that phosphate, which is a wasted resource, could help Tunisia out of its economic crisis, noting that the price of this product is increasing by 277% worldwide, while its value in Tunisia is constantly decreasing. They stressed the need to opt for new methods of managing and exploiting this resource by developing other means of transport, such as pipelines, following the example of Morocco. MPs called for a real plan to be drawn up to reduce tensions and the deterioration of the social climate in the Gafsa mining area, and for an end to the exodus of CPG managers and skilled workers to African countries. According to them, the company is at risk of bankruptcy in the absence of a clear plan to remedy the situation. They called for a working ses sion to be held in parliament, bringing together all the company's executives and all the ministries involved in the issue, in order to find effective solutions capable of promoting the company. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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